Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Monday 3 February 2014

Week Six

I've had some fantastic responses from postcardists over the past few weeks so thanks to anyone who is up for donating/drawing a postcard or has done so already. This week's is an @AlyaBessex creation, proving that you don't have to be Picasso to submit something to send to my brother.

So far I've still only had the one text calling me a weirdo and, judging by the fact that I'm smiling about that, perhaps he has a point. I'd like to reiterate that we are close as brothers but, when given the opportunity to return contact, he'd rather do anything else. I can only guess that he's lying across his sofa watching Thundercats episodes one after the other. This brings the score to 5-1 in my favour.

I could ask at this point for a donation of a trophy so that the winner can have something to show for all their hard work but that would be fantastically self indulgent and I couldn't even consider suggesting such a request let alone actually doing it. Can you imagine the kind of person that would have written that last sentence?

Here is this week's entry to his letterbox:

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