Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 14 September 2014

Week Thirty Eight

I had to send @Mrs_Lyvit to the shop for this week's entry as I'm running a little short of postcards so all of the credit for this week goes to her. I'm sure I'll find an appropriate way to thank her.

I'm surprised we still have so many loyal followers considering the one-sided nature of this competition. I can only hope this means you're all on my side as we watch the New Zealand All Blacks play a team of Premier League referees with no whistles in the world of extreme postcarding. If that analogy doesn't work for you then maybe this is Muhammed Ali against an ignorant fern plant. 

36-2 is the score. I don't expect to see him for the rest of the year as he's only been down once that I'm aware of and his potential journey down last July seems to have been forgotten. His posts to Facebook are a gentle reminder that he's still alive so at least that rules out the possibility of him walking into a crocodile enclosure with a burger and chips in his hand.

Here's a bear surfing to celebrate my impending colossal landslide almost white-wash victory.

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