Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 4 May 2014

Week Nineteen

I became aware of Beck very early in my Twitter days as he puts clever Tweets into cartoons in a way that makes people, including me, think "I want a Beck cartooned Tweet one day". Having a postcard for my brother is even better so this week I am realising the next step up from my dream. You will not be disappointed by following him - @new_toon.

I think my days of easy points are numbered as he is down this tuesday and, if you were a 31 year old man living away from your brother and he all of a sudden started sending a postcard a week, you'd probably ask about it when you first came face to face. I have a few issues to deflect his questioning as I put up a bathroom cabinet for my Mum and a shelf for my Nan this week and asked both of them what they would be asking him to do when he made it down so I will be making that same suggestion to him.

This tactic won't work for the whole week though as we're definitely out for most of Thursday and are going for a meal with some mutual friends on Friday, some of whom know about this blog and have been following along since its inception. I know they won't give the game away but with so many people in one place aware that this site has been viewed over 2,000 times without his knowledge it might be hard for us not to give each other sideways glances and smirk a bit.

17-2 is the score, I am definitely expecting to lose next week but I'm hoping all will be forgotten on his return and I can get to the magical winning number of 27 before the end of the year.

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