Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 25 May 2014

Week Twenty Two

Big thanks to @SandyFootwells who contributed this week's postcard. Now I can imagine Sandy's accent whenever I see a Tweet.

It's the first week without contact from my brother since the last week I didn't have contact with him, meaning things have gone back to normal. It's likely I won't hear from him at all until he next comes down, making me wonder if he has a phone.

Actually I did have one Facebook message from him but that's half the issue with contact these days. Some people think a message on Facebook for your birthday is the same as a card but I completely disagree. A message on a social media site is like a shopping list for your birthday. Remember that next time you write something on someone's wall that's designed to convey feeling. This is simply my opinion and I hate to bleat on about the good ol' days but...actually, no I don't. I love to bleat on about the good ol' days, even if you did have to go door to door delivering your blog.

The score is 20-2 and I am lining up events before and after week 29 so I know exactly when I will win. If this confidence seems out of character then it's simply because I have gained two points during the a two week holiday he took in which I saw him a multitude of times. I haven't quite printed the certificate and ordered the frame but I know what they should look like...

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