Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Week Twenty

It's been a busy week.

My brother and I grew up in Helston which has an annual tradition known as Flora Day. In short, there are four dances during the day and every year my brother applies to dance in the first and last of them. Last Sunday I had a non-postcard related phone call; he had the flu, didn't think he would be able to dance and asked if I would step in for him. Although I would have done so I advised him to get fluids, rest up and get better (being a medic he knows how to get better from flu so this probably just antagonised him). Although he missed the rehearsal on Tuesday he made Flora Day on Thursday and I was able to watch him before going out for a well earned drink at a local establishment.

The following day we both went for a meal at a fantastic Chinese restaurant in Camborne - China Town. The last time we took people there it was mutually agreed that nowhere else does food as nice and so we returned. The night went off perfectly - there was beer, food, laughing and not an utterance of postcards.

On Saturday he came to my house for a couple of hours as, despite having viral bronchitis (not flu as he self diagnosed earlier in the week), our parents had decided he had littered the house for long enough and wanted him to get some fresh air. We spent the time watching The Other Guys, a film I can heartily recommend. While he was here he must have seen the big stash of postcards I've acquired but, fortunately for me, there is an envelope on top of them making it look like I hoard post. With no mention of postcards for the whole week I get the point. 18-2.

He is down for another week until next Sunday as friends of ours are getting married so I'm still on a knife edge. He can easily win a point just by quizzing me but this point is one I wasn't counting on so I'm happy for this week at least.

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