Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Week Fifteen

This postcard is another gem from Julia's tacky postcard collection. Say Hello on Twitter - @Tinksaid.

Things got a bit edgy this week as my son had to be X-Rayed after a horse trod on his foot. I publicly thanked my Dad on Facebook for taking him to the hospital and my brother commented to say he was glad my son's foot wasn't broken. As this wasn't postcard related I can't give him the point, much as I would like to. He also said Happy Mother's Day to our Mum, again on Facebook, and again un-postcard related so not point-worthy.

This takes the score up to an unlucky 13-2 with just five weeks until he ventures down to Cornwall. If all goes well I'll be 18-2 up when he arrives and I'll avoid postcardy chat until he leaves, which isn't very likely. Fingers crossed...


  1. That Melbert & his passion for concrete museums & decorating - what a guy!
    Glad the mini Lyvit's foot's still in one piece - dear of him - not many things more painful than half a ton of horse standing on your tootsies.

    1. So he said. It's retribution for the time he dropped a giant stone on his sister's foot, though.
