Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 19 October 2014

Week Forty Three

The Seal Sanctuary in Gweek sounds like a place you might visit if you just want to see some seals...however, you'd be wrong. Although seals are present (for the Trades Descriptions Act if nothing else) they also have penguins and starfish and sea lions and, at this time of year, seal pups which are great to keep the children entertained. More importantly their gift shop has postcards so I bought one. For my brother.

No response from last week brings the score excitingly up to 40-3. My temptation to produce a line graph showing the points rising has been stemmed by my realisation that no-one would really look at it, let alone take in the detail it depicts. Apparently this doesn't make you philistines, it makes you normal.

Here's a picture of a clown fish that isn't Nemo, although predictably they have referenced the celebrity fish on the back. Philistines.

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