Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Week Thirty

It's my brother's birthday today so I've sent him an extra big postcard to celebrate this momentous occasion. He's 21, but not really. I only hope the postman doesn't steal the two £50 notes I put in with the postcard.

I've spent the week following my win on numerous talk shows, with editors of magazines and newspapers and talking to the foreign press about my strategy. This all occurred from my padded white room in a secret location where they keep people like me. It's very secluded.

I thought my brother would be down this week but he hasn't turned up...either that or he's avoiding me. I guess his points will have to come via text or phone calls like the other two have. 28-2 to me and climbing.

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