Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 1 June 2014

Week Twenty Three

Look who's sent yet another gem - it's Beck @new_toon! His cartoon is based on a Tweet by @HDKey so be sure to look them both up and give them a follow.

I realised last week that I nearly set myself up for a loss writing a note that antagonised my brother, almost forcing him into replying about his safe return. Fortunately my brother has been as reliable as ever and failed to even notice the hint, giving me the point for this week. Hooray. 21-2.

I still think I'm most likely to hear from him closer to July so the next few posts should be plain sailing. I've said that before and been tripped up but, with the score as high as it is, I'm quietly confident.


  1. This made me laugh. When my dad was in his teens as a hell raising teddy boy him & his mates would sneak into people's houses & make themselves breakfast in the wee small hours:)

    1. Times are hard, what can I say? Breakfast in someone else's house sounds like a laugh until they come downstairs..!
