Every week I'm sending a postcard to my brother. If he replies he gets the point, if he doesn't then I get the point. He knows nothing about it, needless to say this is a game disguised as regular contact.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Week Four

Outside forces have intervened. I met and spoke to someone my brother went to school with after he recognised me. He asked how we were all doing after which I returned the questions and, before we parted, he asked me to say Hello to my brother for him. This meant I had to send a text and, without having to buy a stamp, he saw it as the perfect opportunity to mention the postcards.

It went exactly like this:

Me:         "*Name of person* says hello, he's a fireman now"

Brother:   "Hello right back have recieved [sic] your postcards you weirdo....."

Me:          "Weird is a state of mind"

A few things to mention here. Firstly, he couldn't even be bothered to check his spelling on the message to me. He's an educated young man, he went to university for more than a one day football competition and literally saves lives every day. Also, this is where the conversation stopped. I haven't spoken to him since May last year and I'm assuming everything's alright with him but this highlights the importance of regular contact with family quite well in my opinion.

I'm reluctant to give him the point as he didn't directly contact me to ask about the postcards and took no time to write a letter or call me at least. However, he has replied and used the word 'postcard' so I will give him this one. This makes it 3-1 to me. 

One final point - I hope Moose Allain doesn't mind me turning his character into a protester.


  1. Ha! He's clearly not getting this family, interacting vibe! I've not heard from my brother since my wedding. He got Cantus drunk. Bless!

    1. Ha ha! In all honesty I'd expected him to do better than this but, alas, this is it.
